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Dr. Agnes Kalibata

President, AGRA ( Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa)

Dr. Agnes Kalibata has since 2014 led AGRA in mobilising partners to raise the resources and build capacities needed to catalyse Africa’s inclusive, resilient and sustainable food system transformation.  

She was previously Rwanda’s Minister of Agriculture and Animal Resources from 2008 to 2014 where she led efforts that turned her country from a food deficit to a food and nutrition secure country.  

She served as the Special Envoy of the UN Secretary-General for the 2021 Food Systems Summit where she galvanized global efforts from multiple stakeholders towards solutions for people and planet.  

Most recently, she served as a member of the Advisory Committee of the COP28 Presidency credited for generating consensus that culminated in the UAE Declaration on Sustainable Agriculture, Resilient Food Systems, and Climate Action endorsed by 134 governments from across the world. 

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