A new key biodiversity platform for cross sectoral collaboration
For its inaugural launch, World Biodiversity Summit will help define what world leaders and the private sector in biodiversity and climate action need to do in the medium and long term to achieve sustainable development and hinder further biodiversity loss, focusing on partnerships and investment mechanisms as levers of progress. World Biodiversity Summit is a platform for responding to accelerating biodiversity loss, by using the Paris Agreement as a framework to learn from, promoting relevant solutions, innovations, and leadership networks, strengthening nature restoration and conservation. Nature-based solutions will be highlighted, from specificecosystems to global possibilities.
25 September 2025
New York, USA
Climate Week NYC

Martin Berg​
Chief Investment Officer, Climate Asset Management
Martin has more than two decades experience in conceptualizing and leading natural capital, climate finance, carbon credit and other environmental investments in the private and public sector. Martin is the Chief Investment Officer of the Nature Based Carbon Strategy at Climate Asset Management (CAM), an asset management firm dedicated to develop investments products for natural capital. CAM was established in August 2020 and is a joint venture between HSBC Global Asset Management and Pollination, a specialist climate change advisory and investment firm. Prior to this role, Martin was a Partner at Pollination and part of the team finalising the partnership with HSBC. Martin's previous experiences include leadership roles on climate and environmental investment products at the European Investment Bank and Bank of America Merrill Lynch. In his early career, Martin also worked for the OECD Climate Change Unit and the UNFCCC.