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High Level Welcome and Opening Session 

09:05 – 09:45 


Nature and Climate: Two Sides of the Same Coin 

This high-level session focused on the interconnectedness of the carbon cycle with climate change and biodiversity, underscoring nature's critical role as a primary carbon reservoir and sink that is essential to addressing climate challenges. Using the planetary boundaries framework, it explored why nature and climate are inseparable issues that must be seen in unison.


How does this work in practice, and why is integration so important?


How can we integrate climate change adaptation into biodiversity conservation plans?


How can international cooperation be improved to address the dual challenges of climate change and biodiversity loss in an integrated way to create a nature-positive and carbon-neutral future?  


High-Level Welcome

Carmen Bamford 

Director, Networks and Programmes

World Climate Foundation


Master of Ceremony 

Peter Boyd

Founder & CEO, Time4Good; and Resident Fellow, Yale Center for Business and the Environment

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Dr Harvey Locke

Vice Chair, Nature Positive, IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas and Y2Y



Professor Dr. Johan Rockström

Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

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Dr Agnes Kalibata 

President, Agra Foundation



Sonia Guajajara

Minister of State for Indigenous Peoples, Federative Republic of Brazil

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