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Explore our lineup of speakers for World Biodiversity Summit - New York. 


Our Speakers in New York 2024:

Michael S. Regan

Michael S. Regan

Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency

Alex Dehgan

Alex Dehgan

Co-Founder and CEO, Conservation X Labs

Dr. Andrea Porro

Dr. Andrea Porro

Secretary General, World Farmers Organisation

Dorethe Nielsen

Dorethe Nielsen

Vice President of Corporate Environmental Strategy, Novo Nordisck

Dr. Harvey Locke

Dr. Harvey Locke

Vice Chair for Nature Positive, IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas and Y2Y

Jessica Smith

Jessica Smith

Nature Lead, UNEP Finance Initiative

Kevin Dunckley

Kevin Dunckley

Chief Sustainability Officer, HH Global

Louis L.Y. Chang

Louis L.Y. Chang

Chief Sustainability Officer, E.Sun

María Ruiz

María Ruiz

LAC Lab Leader, Climate Policy Initiative

Niki Mardas

Niki Mardas

Executive Director, Global Canopy

Rhian-Mari Thomas

Rhian-Mari Thomas

CEO, Green Finance Institute

Sherry Madera

Sherry Madera


Tom Vile Jensen

Tom Vile Jensen

Deputy Director, Insurance & Pension Denmark

Vanessa Miler-Fels

Vanessa Miler-Fels

Global VP Environment and Climate, Schneider Electric

Mayor Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr

Mayor Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr

Mayor of Freetown, Sierra Leone

Alison Taylor

Alison Taylor

Chief Sustainability Officer, ADM

Dave Haynes

Dave Haynes

Managing Director, Pollination

Eva Zabey

Eva Zabey

CEO, Business for Nature

Isobel Ashbey

Isobel Ashbey

Head of Biodiversity and Nature Tech, Cambridge Consultants, part of Capgemini Invent

Jo Tyndall

Jo Tyndall

Director, OECD Environment Directorate

Kirsten James

Kirsten James

Senior Program Director, Water, Ceres

Manuel Pulgar Vidal

Manuel Pulgar Vidal

Global Climate and Energy Lead, WWF

Mary Wenzel

Mary Wenzel

Managing Director, Corporate Engagement, The Nature Conservancy

Dr. Paula J. Ehrlich

Dr. Paula J. Ehrlich

President & CEO, E.O. Wilson Biodiversity Foundation

Russell Hagen

Russell Hagen

Senior Vice President and Chief Development Officer, Weyerhaeuser

Sophia Cheng

Sophia Cheng

Chief Investment Officer, Cathay Financial Holdings

Tony Goldner

Tony Goldner

Executive Director, Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)

William Mason

William Mason

Director General, Guernsey Financial Services Commission

Dr. Agnes Kalibata

Dr. Agnes Kalibata

President, AGRA ( Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa)

Dame Amelia Fawcett

Dame Amelia Fawcett

Co-Chair of the International Advisory Panel on Biodiversity Credits (IAPB) / Chair of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Diane Holdorf

Diane Holdorf

Executive Vice President, Pathways, WBCSD

Gianpiero Nacci

Gianpiero Nacci

Director, Sustainable Business & Infrastructure, Climate Strategy and Delivery, EBRD

Jayce Chiblow

Jayce Chiblow

Director of Education and Programming, Indigenous Climate Action

Professor Dr Johan Rockström

Professor Dr Johan Rockström

Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

Kristian Teleki

Kristian Teleki

CEO, Fauna and Flora

Marco Lambertini

Marco Lambertini

Convener of the Nature Positive Initative

Natacha Boric

Natacha Boric

Head of Policy and Positive Impact, Finance for Biodiversity Foundation

Rayne Sullivan

Rayne Sullivan


Sajeev Mohankumar

Sajeev Mohankumar

Senior Technical Specialist, FAIRR Initiative

Thomas Crowther

Thomas Crowther

Founder, Crowther Lab

Uyunkar Domingo Peas Nampichkai

Uyunkar Domingo Peas Nampichkai

President of Governing Board, Amazon Sacred Headwaters Alliance


Bridging Dialogue and Action for Nature

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